Relics of Hyrule Wikia

Stalfos are tall, strong skeletal enemies that stand at one and a half times the height of a normal skeleton.

They wield Stalfos Swords, Forgotten Swords, Forgotten Axes, or Armos Weapons with Banded Iron Shields or Armos Shields and will drop Stalfos Bone Meal on death. Stalfos don't use spells, but have the level 30 Bladesman and level 40 Armsman perks, and, if carrying a shield, the level 40 Shield Wall and Disarming Bash perks.


Stalfos can typically be found in many Relics of Hyrule dungeons and will occasionally spawn with skeleton enemies in other locations.

A unique Stalfos wielding a Terminan Shield can be found in Morwitijaal. Another unique Stalfos, the Stalfos Knight, can be found in Kinolangdanzel. Parutamu are a stronger variant of Stalfos distinguished by their horned helmets.

Stalfos may be summoned with the Summon Stalfos or Stalfos Thrall spells.


The lore surrounding the Stalfos is not well-established in Relics of Hyrule. Armored Stalfos and Parutamu are seen wearing Hylian Soldier Helmets like the Staltroops, so the case may be that Stalfos are the reanimated skeletons of deceased soldiers, increased in size by magic or by adding extra bones.

Background and Inspiration[]

Stalfos and the Stalfos Knight were added to the Relics of Hyrule in version 3.0 with Kinolangdanzel.

Stalfos are conglomerates of their various designs, based heavily on their appearances in The Legend of Zelda, The Adventure of Link, and A Link to the Past with influences from their Skyward Sword design. The Banded Iron Shield they carry is in reference to their one of their shields in Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess.

See Also[]

Stalfos Bonemold Armor

Stalfos Sword

Shrouded Stalfos






Stalfos Knight



Redeads and Stalfos - Relics of Hyrule Video Guide
